
Got Chocolate Milk?

After a tough workout, you’ve probably heard you need to re-hydrate with fluids and supply your body with electrolytes. Something you may not know, however, is that those electrolytes and so many other important nutrients post-workout can come from nature’s most nearly perfect food – milk!

Chocolate milk is a natural choice post-run, ride, or meet. Full-fat milk actually ranks higher than other beverages, including water, when it comes to hydration. That’s right, milk improves your hydration status more than water alone!

In addition to the importance of hydration, chocolate milk in particular contains the ideal carbohydrate to protein ratio. Since replacing muscle fuel (glycogen) after exercise is essential to an athlete’s recovery, a post-gym beverage like milk provides the energy and the PROTEIN necessary to replenish what was lost and provide muscles with the nutrients to properly recover.

16 grams of protein in every 13 oz bottle of Hudson Valley Fresh chocolate milk!

Don’t just take our word for it though, check out what Mariano Rivera has to say about drinking REAL milk as a key to success – Hall of Farm Pitcher Mariano Rivera Credits milk as key to Success!

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